Legal information

Responsable de la publication

This site is edited by Amstel & Seine Avocats SELARL under the supervision of Marinka Schillings.

Postal address

Amstel & Seine Avocats
17 rue de Miromesnil
75008 Paris
Tél : +33 (0)1 85 09 34 80
Fax : +33 (0)1 85 09 90 54

RCS : SELARL n° 813 123 700


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Zijlweg 133A
2015 BE Haarlem
The Netherlands

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The website and any work and material composing the website in particular any text, article, newsletter, illustration, photograph digital and animation drawing, local, etc. are and remain the exclusive property of Amstel & Seine Avocats.

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Terms of Services

You can download our terms of services here.